Dispensary Bag Advertising has been providing Medical and Recreational Marijuana Stores FREE dispensary bags when possible, across the United States. Only partnering with stores that are licensed to operate.
Here’s how it works: We’ll send you a minimum of 5,000 FREE Dispensary Bags per month. This number varies per location, our point is that we will provide as many bags as you can distribute each month. By accepting the bags to distribute in your store, you are supporting your vendors. Each bag will include YOUR company logo or brand. The bag will also include ads from brands you are selling products for. They may also include ads from local businesses. Before the bags are printed, you will receive a proof of the final piece for your review. The only thing we ask of you is to use these bags for every purchase.
These bags are white, premium – glossy flat bottom paper bags. These bags on average will save store owners a minimum of $700 per month and in many cases more. And all our bags are environmentally friendly too!
Our partnership will help you:
- Create Customer Loyalty
- Brand Your Business
- Inform Your Customers
- Lower Monthly Expenses
- Increase Sales
Our service is at NO COST to you. Most important, you are allowing your vendors to utilize a direct marketing vehicle right from your shop.
Contact us today if you have any questions, we are happy to talk with you!
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